Microchipz Cybernet Boards
PLL02A For Cybernet SSB Radio’s.

Boards designed for the PTBM121D4X with a PLL02A ( or AG ) PLL
These boards will fit in other radios, eg Jumbo and its variants, Major M588, Concorde 2, Tristar 747,777 , Multimode 2 and probably many more.
NOT Jumbo 3,Multimode3 or Concorde 3
Options for this board,
specify when ordering
1, -40 from lowest xtal and UK 1-40 Readout from high xtal.
2, Alpha Channels ( skip channels ) and UK 1-40 readout from high xtal.
Order code - PLL02aSSB
£20 + £4.40 p+p
PLL02AG 5kc for Cybernet SSB Radio’s.

Boards designed for the PTBM121D4X with a PLL02AG PLL
These boards will fit in other radios, eg Jumbo and its variants, Major M588, Concorde 2, Tristar 747,777 , Multimode 2 and probably many more.
NOT Jumbo 3,Multimode3 or Concorde 3
This board will provide.
UK 1-40 readout ( from high xtal )
Alpha Channels ( skip channels )
-5kc ( goes to 0 from 5, eg 27.415 to 27.410 )
Order code - PLL02aSSB5kc
£20 + £4.40 p+p
PLL02A/AG replacement board

This board is a complete replacement for the PLL02A/AG
Basic and simple for the user who wants a simple mod or just to replace their
This board is for SSB cybernet radios , NOT Jumbo3/C3/MM3.
This board can be used as a PLL replacement only or
programmed to however you like.
Options, specify when ordering.
-40 and UK40 ( UK from high xtal )
UK40 and +10kc (UK from high xtal )
-5kc and +10kc
If your desired programming is not listed contact me for details.
Order code - PLL02aMINI
£22 + £4.40 P+P
PLL02A for AM/FM Cybernet radio’s

PLL02A for AM/FM Cybernet radio’s
This version is for the AM/FM radios only that use the PLL02A
Eg, Major M120,Ham Puma,Formac etc.
This board will provide.
UK 1-40 Readout ( from the HIGH xtal )
Alpha Channels ( skip channels )
UK40 and HIGH also available for MID only radios.
UK40 and LOW also available.
Order Code - PLL02aAMFM
£20 + £4.40 p+p
PLL02A replacement V3.2

This is a all in one replacement for the PLL02A found in cybernet SSB radios,
This will not work on AM/FM only radios or Jumbo 3,Multimode3 or Concorde 3
Remove your PLL02A and replace with this board.
This module will provide
-80,-40,40,+40 and 1-40 UK readout
( SL,L,M,H,UK )
+10kc (Alpha channels )
These are all derived from the mid band crystal.
The best way to install this board is lock your radio to mid band and allow the
mod board to do the rest.
Order code - pllrep32
£24 each + £4.40 p+p
PLL02A replacement V3.3

This is a all in one replacement for the PLL02A found in cybernet SSB radios,
This will not work on AM/FM only radios or Jumbo 3,Multimode3 or Concorde 3
Remove your PLL02A and replace with this board.
This module will provide.
—40 from your lowest xtal
UK40 readout from HIGH xtal
-5kc switching ( not on UK40 )
+10kc (Alpha channels )
Order code - pllrep33
£24 each + £4.40 p+p
PLL02A replacement V4.1 XL

This is a all in one replacement for the PLL02A found in cybernet SSB radios,
This will not work on AM/FM only radios or Jumbo 3,Multimode3 or Concorde 3
Remove your PLL02A and replace with this board.
This module will provide.
-5kc switching ( not on UK40 )
+10kc (Alpha channels )
The best way to install this board is lock your radio to mid band and allow the
mod board to do the rest.
Order code - pllrep41xl
£26 each + £4.40 p+p