Microchipz Uniden Boards
MB8719 mod board v7.04 - Cobra/SS MK1
Made for the Cobra/Superstar MK1 , will fit in others.
Please specify which mixer crystal is fitted to your radio
11.1125 or 11.3258
Custom programming available , just ask.
What this board will provide.
UK40 from MID Xtal
+10kc ( alpha only )
Two resistors will need removing, please see install doc, and possibility VCO
Order code - C8719704
£26 + £4.40 p+p
MB8719 mod board v7.04 - Grant
Made for the 3 band President Grant
What this board will provide.
UK40 from MID Xtal
+10kc ( alpha only )
Two resistors will need removing R122 , R142.
Removal of original band switch is needed, Orange and Red wires to GND.
This will put the radio onto MID Band.
The rest of the install is the same as Cobra.
Order code - GRAN8719704
£26 + £4.40 p+p
MB8719 mod board v6.04
Made for the Cobra/Superstar MK1 , will fit in others.
11.3258Mhz Mixer Crystal ONLY
Use the 7.04 board for 11.1125Mhz
Two options for this board specify when ordering.
Option 1— UK40 from MID xtal , +40 , -40 , +10kc (alpha only)
Option 2—UK40 from MID or HIGH , -5kc , +10kc (alpha only)
Two resistors will need removing, please see install doc, and possibility VCO
Order code - C8719604
£24 + £4.40 p+p
MC145106P Board
This board is designed for the MK2 Cobra 148GTL DX or Superstar 360 FM
with the MC145106P PLL.
This board is for the experienced modder as it requires extra work.
This board requires you to lock the original band select to mid band ( 8v to mx2 ).
This board will provide.
-80 Llow band 26.065mhz—26.505mhz
-40 Low band 26.515mhz—26.955mhz
40 Mid band 26.965mhz—27.405mhz
+40 High band 27.415mhz—27.855mhz
UK 1-40 Readout
Alpha channels ( skip channels )
Order code - cobra161
£22 + £4.40 p+p
MC145106P 5kc version
This board is designed for the MK2 Cobra 148GTL DX or Superstar 360 FM
with the MC145106P PLL.
2 versions of this radio
Please specify which radio you have.
This board requires you to lock the original band select to MX2 ( 8v to mx2 ).
This board will provide.
-80 Llow band 26.065mhz—26.505mhz
-40 Low band 26.515mhz—26.955mhz
40 Mid band 26.965mhz—27.405mhz
+40 High band 27.415mhz—27.855mhz
+80 Hhigh band—27.865mhz—28.245mhz
UK 1-40 Readout.
Alpha channels ( skip channels )
+5kc switchable
The +80 band only goes to 28.245 ch34 ( ch35 to ch40 are the same as ch34)
Order code - cobra172
£22 + £4.40 p+p
MC145106 UK40 only
UK40 only boards for the following radios with the MC145106 PLL IC.
President Jackson 5 and 6 Band.
Superstar 3900.
Cobra 148 GTL-DX — Superstar 360 FM — MK2 ONLY.
These boards are a NO WIRES install, just remove your PLL, place the PLL into the mod board
And solder into place.
No cut tracks , no additional wiring needed.
Fitting video is available on my YouTube channel.
President Jackson 5/6 band.
This board replaces the last band with UK40 readout, use the KC shift to gain UK offset.
5 Band replaces Band E with UK40 readout
6 Band replaces Band F with UK40 Readout
MC145106 UK40 only
Superstar 3900
This board replaces the last band with UK40 readout,
use the KC shift to gain UK offset.
Replaces Band F with UK40 Readout
Cobra 148 GTL-DX— Superstar 360FM MK2
This board replaces the last band with UK40 readout,
use the KC shift to gain UK offset.
LOW is now MID
MID is now HIGH
HIGH is now UK40
Order codes
Jackson 5/6 - jacknowire
SS3900 - ss3900nowire
Cobra148GTL-DX - SS360 - cssnowire
£22 + £4.40 p+p
Galaxy DX88HL UK40 only
Galaxy DX88HL
This board replaces the G band with UK40 readout,
use the KC shift to gain UK offset.
This is for the 8 band radio.
Replaces Band G with UK40 Readout
This is for radios with mixer crystal
Ordercode - GALNOWIRE
£22 + £4.40 p+p
Install is simple.
Remove your PLL, plug into board.
Fit in the radio, you may have to move
it slightly to fit in front of the plug that's close by.
Solder into place and test.
Galaxy Pluto UK40 only
Galaxy Pluto (3900 variant)
This board replaces the F band with UK40 readout,
use the KC shift to gain UK offset.
Replaces Band F with UK40 Readout
This is for radios with mixer crystal
£22 + £4.40 p+p
Install is simple.
Remove your PLL, plug into board.
Fit in the radio.
Solder into place and test.
2 capacitors need moving, C108
a 100uf needs replacing with longer
legs and lying down.
C104 a 473 ceramic disk either replace with a smaller one or put on back of the board.
MC145106P Board Superstar 3900
This board is designed for the Superstar 3900
with the MC145106P PLL.
This board is for the experienced modder as it requires extra work.
Superstar 3900 the original band switch needs fully disconnecting putting the
radio onto SSlow.
The radios 10kc switch will need disconnecting and replacing with the
Mod boards 10kc
This board can be custom programmed to the bands of your choice
Starting from 4xLOW to 4xHIGH
UK 1-40 Readout
Alpha channels ( skip channels )
Order code - SS3900202
£22 + £4.40 p+p
Diode matrix board for the SS3900 board ONLY
Adding this board to the SS3900 board will give 12 bands
4xlow to 4xhigh and UK40 readout
10 bands are achievable without any VCO modification
For full 12 bands VCO will have to be modified
Any of the bands can be selected so you can have as many bands as you wish
Order code - SS3900DM
£10 + £4.40 p+p